If you are aged over and a UK resident you could save thousands online. What is an ABR test for a child? When to do ABR test? How can an ABR test help you? The ABR test without anesthesia is done in a special sound-treated suite in the Audiology Department at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
Once you have registered at the Audiology Department, you and your child will be called to the sound-treated suite.
The volume of the sound is varied throughout the test so that we can work out your child’s ‘hearing threshold’ for each ear, that is, the quietest sound that provokes a response in the midbrain. This is a specialised test so your baby will need to have this. It checks your child’s brain’s response to sound. The test is mostly done on infants and children who may not be able to respond to behavioral hearing tests because of their age.
Your child will not feel anything during this test. Visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA) is usually used to test hearing in children from approximately months of age up to 2. During the test , your child will sit on your lap or a chair while sounds are presented. Your baby will be taught to link the sound to a visual reward such as a toy or computer screen lighting up.