V-Coptr Falcon, the world’s first V-shaped bi-copter, the most safe, portable, easy-to-use and follow me flying camera, autonomously captures all your little moments in life in 4K. Hover Camera Passport. With many of the drones we use being manufactured in China it should come as no surprise that the drone industry is feeling the impact from the Coronavirus. Powerful features packed into it.

The V-shaped dual-rotor design marks a significant departure from the universal quad-rotor design consumers are familiar with. Technology with Embedded AI creating a much more consumer friendly experience. Through the technology we have developed in our laboratory, we have been. Nelson Torres 103views. Skydio Autonomous Drone That Never Crashes!
One of the most noteworthy features is the minutes of flight time. Lt the address on file for this trademark is Building 1 No. Developer of an autonomous flying robotic camera designed to offer high performance video taking. Inspired by a military aircraft, the V-Coptr Falcon ($699) can fly for up to 50. Duration: 1seconds.

Stated to be The world’s first V shaped bi copter. Everything from robotics theory to ROS based robot programming. NEW robot sculptures from Danny Caldwell are in this month and wood carvings from Tom Caldwell (and yes, there IS a relation!).