Thursday 22 November 2018

Benefits of flexible working research

This may be fuelled by individuals feeling the need to pay back to a company for accommodating their needs. The idea of flexible working can be more appealing for individuals than the reality. Home working can lead to feelings of isolation, particularly if communication with colleagues is poor.

Employee retention : This is probably the most important benefits of flexible working arrangements. Financial Benefits In addition to flexible working conditions optimising the output of your employees there are a number of financial benefits to be gained from introducing flexible working.

Flexitime reduces the costs to your business associated with employee absenteeism, tardiness and sick leave. Recent UK research by Capability Jane reveals the demand for flexible working is substantial: of Millennials identify flexibility as a top priority when job hunting of women and of men. What are the benefits of flexible working?

How does flexible working benefit employees and employees? Why is flexible working better? Is there an opportunity to do more flexible work?

As well as helping employees balance their professional and personal lives, flexible working can help businesses by. To help implement flexible working effectively , organisations should: Clarify the benefits of flexible working to the organisation and to individuals.

Find the compelling hook or business imperative that will gain traction in the organisation. Communicate to dispel myths around what flexible working. Because for employees the benefits of flexible working are obvious. And a greater sense of being.

A better work-life balance. With flexible work schedules , employers experience benefits as well. Giving up some control of work schedules gives increased employee morale, engagement, and commitment to the organization. The option also reduces employee turnover, absenteeism, and tardiness by allowing workers to flex hours around home and family obligations.

By offering flexible working patterns, businesses may be able to widen the pool of talent, especially for hard-to-fill roles. Productivity from flexible workers. Our research into work benefits for top performers shows that flexible working hours are being offered to of employees and are offered remote working. There is a lot of anecdotal. Flexible working attracts top talent.

According to our research , of UK businesses use it to attract top-performing. While there have been multiple studies proving the endless benefits to employers that offer flexible working, there are three key advantages that stand out: Talent Attraction – Whether you believe that there’s a talent shortage or not, it’s far easier to bring in top talent by offering a more modern benefits package as part of your EVP. Our research into work benefits for top performers.

This is because flexible working provides you with access to a broader talent pool of candidates. The benefits of working remotely also include better job satisfaction for employees. In promoting flexibility you will also make the business more attractive to work for. Our research on flexible working aims to increase understanding of its business benefits and explore blocks in the market.

We share our findings with policy makers, opinion formers and employers, helping to inform the strategic development of public services as well as HR, diversity and recruitment practices. Traditionally, flexible working has largely been the domain of carers, particularly mothers of young children, but this is rapidly changing. Increased mobility, technological advances that make remote working easier, and demographic shifts are driving the demand for all employees to want to work flexibly.

In terms of flexible working , the potential advantages for employees are well-known - including an improved work-life balance, greater autonomy and employee motivation.

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