Thursday 28 February 2019

Bringing home a kitten checklist

What to expect when you bring home a kitten? What supplies do you need for a new kitten? Should I adopt a kitten? Bring the kitten into a single room when they first arrive and allow them to stay there for a day or two. Don’t pressurise the kitten into doing things, just allow it to settle in and explore their new surroundings.

Once you’ve decided to get a kitten and found a good place to get them from, you can start to prepare for their arrival: Buy any supplies they need.

You also need a food and water bowl, food mat to help prevent messes, a pet bed or blanket, toys, and consider purchasing or making your own scratching post. Toys and a scratching post are more important than you might think. A fluffy cat in a litter box. The litter box is just about.

You can always transition your cat to your preferred brand or type of litter later. If you are planning to bring a new kitten into your home , then you should take some time to prepare for the kitten ’s arrival. Purchase the items that your kitten will need and place them in your home for other people and pets to start adjusting to.

Cats are very clean and private animals. It’s best to set their litter tray somewhere discreet but.

Kitten essentials Litter trays. Look for kitten food which has been formulated for their age. These are full of key nutrients and vitamins. In order for life with your new kitten to run smoothly, make preparations before bringing her home.

The first thing you should do is kitten-proof your home by viewing each room from kitten level. Close or block off windows, vents, and any nooks and crannies she might be tempted to explore. The only thing better than one kitten ? Two kittens , naturally.

Not only do shelters have plenty of. Ready to bring home your new pet ? This checklist will change as your kitten grows into an adult and then a senior cat , so talk to your veterinarian about what you’ll need as your faithful feline grows older. Show your kitten where her room is, and let her explore by herself. Leave a door slightly ajar so your kitten can come and go as she pleases.

Checklist to Prepare Your Home and Family for Your New Addition: Select a veterinarianso you have a partner ready to help you care for your cat. If you already have a veterinary hospital engaged in the care of your other pets, let them know about the new pet arrival. Cats are inquisitive and the old adage about curiosity killing the cat is well-founded. This is especially true if you’re bringing home a kitten.

Let your cat explore safely by making sure the house is cat-proofed. Make sure toxic materials are stored away safely.

First off, you need to kitten proof your home. Then, you need a litter box, a food and water bowl, and a comfy place for kitty to sleep. It’ll be much easier to spend the time making sure your home is cat -safe before you bring in your newest family member. Cat -Proof Beforehand. If you haven’t lived with a cat before you’ll be surprised at the places a kitty can hide and the trouble she can get into.

Cats shouldn’t be removed from their mothers until around eight to nine weeks, and should appear bright, engaged and sociable.

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