Tuesday 29 October 2019

H pylori transmission through kissing

Is H pylori dangerous? What are the symptoms of stomach cancer from H. If you’re taking antibiotics to treat H. Helicobacter pylori ) is passed from person to person by contaminated feces in food or water and poor hygiene practices. Learn about symptoms, treatment , and causes of H. Because H pylori has been found and cultured from the saliva and mouth there exists a possibility that H pylori may be transmitted from infected person to non-infected person via kissing or other sexual activities.

Namavar et aldetected H pylori from the saliva, tongue, palate, and cheek. Studies have reported that 0– of H. It has been also found in dental plaque and perhaps can be transmitted by deep kissing. There are no studies which have documented this.

It is essentially a feco-oral disease. Yes, it is possible that H Pylori can be transmitted through oral-oral contact. The exact mechanism is unknown, but some studies show that the bacteria can live in dental plaque or via gastric secretions. This answer is not intended as and does not substitute for medical advice - the information presented is for patient education only.

The H Pylori Bacteria can be transmitted from person-to-person with close contact. Even minor family contact like a mother kissing her baby or sharing drinking glasses can transmit the bacteria. This means that if one person in the family gets an H pylori infection, then the rest of the family is certainly going to be exposes. Another mechanism for the oro-oral mode of transmission is through kissing. If spouse-to-spouse transmission of H. Pylori , you should be very careful with your interactions with them.

This is a timeline of the events relating to the discovery that peptic ulcer disease and some cancers are caused by H. The bacteria can also be spread by fecal contamination of food or water. In developing countries, a combination of untreated water, crowded conditions, and poor hygiene contributes to higher H. Most people become infected as children, and parents and siblings seem to play a primary role in transmission. Can stomach cancer be transmitted through kissing ? Researchers have found H. How contagious is h. I was diagnosed with H. Pylori from a biopsy done during an upper endoscopy. Infection occurs when a non-native host becomes exposed to a source tainted with H - Pylori , via the mouth.

This could be foo water, feces, or even through kissing an infected person! Evidence in support of oro-oral transmission ( through kissing or pre-mastication of food as practised by mothers from some ethnic backgrounds) is derived from a variety of ob. Fecal-oral transmission : Just as the name suggests, this is when the H. Understanding the route of H. Iatrogenic transmission of H. For the general population, the most likely mode of transmission is from person to person, by either the oral-oral route ( through vomitus or possibly saliva) or perhaps the fecal.

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