Thursday 14 November 2019

Introducing new cat to home

How to introduce a cat to its new home? How do you move cats to a new home? Introducing cats Social behaviour. Cats have very different social needs compared to dogs and people.

Although they are capable of. Choosing the right cat.

A kitten might be less of a threat to a resident cat than an adult, because it is still sexually. Preparing your home. You will need to set. Note: This article is about moving an established cat to a new home. If possible, ask a friend to deliver the new cat to your home , in its cage.

Before you bring your new cat home , you should make an appointment with the veterinarian to make sure that the new. Forget leaving the new cat at home alone, as this will only bring problems, especially if one is an adult. Your current cat should.

When you first bring the new cat home Move the new cat to a small room, e. The door to this room should be kept close and the room should contain a litter box, dry foo water, as well as comforting objects like a scratching post, comfortable bed and cat toys. The safest way to introduce your new cat to your resident cat is for them to meet over a door that is cracked open just slightly. Let your cats sniff and look at each other for at least minutes.

Use a cat carrier or closed box with holes to take your new kitty home. Never let the cat wander freely in the car. This is an invitation to an accident for either you or the cat. The initial introduction is important, since it can make or break the relationship, says Pam Johnson-Bennett, certified animal behavior consultant. The proper new cat introduction technique must address the emotional and physical needs of both cats.

From the resident cat ’s perspective, there’s an intruder in his territory. From the newcomer’s point of view, she has just been dropped on hostile turf. Both cats need to feel secure. Cats are territorial, and coming into a new home leaves them feeling really uneasy.

There’s all that unexplored space, and who knows what may lurk there. Do him a favor and provide a small area to call his own for the first few days or weeks. A bathroom or laundry room works well. A kitten or cat of any age needs time to adjust and adapt to a new home.

This is especially true when you introduce a new cat or kitten to your existing pets.

While cats tend to be more solitary creatures than our canine friends, they are often found in familial groups in the wild and do enjoy company. When introducing a cat (or cats) to a new home , we recommend the following: Lock and block any existing cat flap If you already have a cat flap fitte obviously keep that locked. Many people assume that if their current cat has lived with another cat in the past, then everything will be fine when a new cat is introduced. Each cat has a different rhythm of adaptation to new situations and it is therefore important to respect the rhythm and limits of each cat. When you are introducing new cats, they should be kept separate from the resident cat(s) for a few days.

Change the cats among the rooms so that they will become familiar with one another’s odors. Use the techniques for reducing fear-induced aggression when introducing new cats. However, introducing a new cat to an existing cat-home can take time and patience. Cats are often placed in positions where they’re either a resident cat faced with a newcomer cat or they’re a new cat coming into an existing cat’s territory. Truthfully, it’s probably not much fun being in either position.

Gradually introduce your cat to new objects associated with the baby (e.g. toys and prams) so that the cat will be familiar with them by the time the baby arrives. Instea bringing a new cat home can trigger the territorial panic switch in your existing cat , and this often means war. So, do yourself and your cats a favor, and follow this time-teste step-by-step recipe to a T: It will give you your best chance for a smooth integration.

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