Wednesday 24 July 2019

Should i get one or two kittens

Should You Get One Kitten or Two ? Is it better to have two kittens or more? Can two kittens be around? Are two or more cats better than one?

If you get one kitten , you will need to be its playmate.

Two kittens , on the other han are likely to play together. So if everyone in the home is out all day, it may be a good idea to get two kittens rather than just one. One of the strongest arguments for adopting two cats , rather than one , is simple: If you adopt two cats , you’re saving two lives. Despite the fact that kittens are more likely to be adopte not every kitten finds her fur-ever home right away.

The ideal situation is to get two kittens at the same time from the same breeder, or from the same animal home where they are already used to each other if you are adopting non-pedigree cats or kittens. If you have no other pets in the house, then get kittens. I recommend if the kittens are under months old.

Confine them to a room when you are not there to supervise them till they are about 4-months old. Be sure the kittens are. I usually recommend if you can afford it, get two kittens if they are younger then months old. If you can afford to get two I would advise it.

Cats love playing and taking naps together. It would also be better to get them from the same litter to avoid any chance of the younger kitten being bullied and having to introduce it later. Getting two kittens together means that they can play together, learn from each other, and keep each other company. In general terms, it seems like the answer to the question, “ should I get one kitten , or two ? Join over 0animal lovers and subscribe to Companion Animal Psychology. Keep Out of Trouble - One mischievous kitten can be destructive if left alone, but two kittens tend to keep each other occupied and out of trouble.

If you’re thinking about bringing a kitten into your life, there are many reasons why you should actually consider doubling that and bringing home a pair. Yes, think two instead of one. First of all if you decide on two cat , get two kittens between and month old. That will facilitate a lot of things.

Cats are, by nature, solitary creature. Young cats or kittens are more likely to put up with a housemate than an older cat.

Bringing them home together means there won’t be a chance for one cat to declare himself ruler of the roost. There are many factors to consider when getting a pet, let alone two (or more). That doesn’t mean those factors should dissuade you from doing so. By adopting two cats instead of one, you’re doubling the lives you’re saving. Plus, the cats would feel less lonely and more contented because of the companionship.

If you are getting kittens, it’s usually recommended you get two. Kittens, like many young animals, have more energy than anyone knows what to do with. They might show less interest in you, but still plenty of interest. The majority of cats are very gregarious – they love each other so much, they enjoy living together and grooming each other.

If someone was out all day, we wouldn’t give them just one cat because. Yea if one is not pettable atm other one is wanting pets. Yea, Ive had one and then two cats. They’re much happier and healthier in pairs. Adopting two slightly older kittens may work out, but the general rule is that the younger the kittens are when brought together, the more easily they will accept each other as part of their social group.

Differences in personality can have a profound effect on how two cats may get along. In fact, often if one cat is goo two are even better. Choosing a kitten over an older cat gives you the satisfaction of knowing that your pet cat has been treated well all of it’s life. Plus you can form a bond from just a few weeks old which can last for over years. While it’s not recommended to have two puppies at the same time, having two dogs—whether it’s two older dogs, or an older dog and a puppy—at the same time comes with a boatload of benefits for you, your family, and the doggies themselves.

Alternatively why not consider adopting a kitten?

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